Saturday Tea Hour

Saturday Tea Hour

This Saturday we are having an hour-short chat and Q&A session. This is taking place on Zoom at 1pm (4th of Nov - Saturday). 

There is nothing for you to prepare and the group is small and warm. You will not be forced to speak until you are ready and willing to share during this or next meetings. 

Hope to see you there! RSVP: To join please write back to  to confirm your participation. Once you confirm your availability, make sure to save this date in your calendar. I will be sending you a reminder with your Zoom link a day before the event. 

Featured image by @freestock

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December Discussion: Holidays make me anxious!

December Discussion: Holidays make me anxious!

Preparing for the major holidays end of December, where Xmas foods and festive packages all around, - a serious trigger for those with Eating Disorders. Come join us on Zoom next Thursday (December 1st, 2022).

RSVP: email at

When: Thursday (01/12/22) at 7pm on Zoom

December Discussion:

Everyone around us is starting to speak about cooking, organising gifts and parties to join. Thoughts to restrict your food before the holidays and a rise in cravings can be triggered from every shop window and grocery shelves. Holidays and festive food marketing can make us all anxious and think of food more than usual. Lets look into it together and see what we can do.

Open to people suffering with Emotional Overeating, Binge Eating, as well as Restrictive Eating and symptoms of Anorexia Nervosa. Family and caretakers are welcome.

New to join? You are welcome!

Every month we meet Online on Zoom in a Video Meeting to support all members and their loved ones in Recovery from Disordered Eating. To register and receive your Zoom Link to our meetings, please RSVP by email (

About the Group:

Eating disorders thrive in isolation. This group is aimed to provide a safe and supportive platform for people in recovery and those seeking recovery, as well as their loved ones, caretakers, and practitioners, among others to exchange in resource sharing and mutual support. The interactive support sessions are conducted in an open and non-judgemental space welcoming all members to participate in conversation. The format is facilitated in a Psychoeducation lecture presentation with allocated time for Q&A and sharing.

Open to all who have RSVP’d and:

(1) in recovery from Eating Disorder or having any difficulties in regulating their eating behaviour

(2) those who have a family member or a friend who may be struggling with an Eating Disorder

Learn more :

Join our Facebook Private Group 

Follow us on Instagram

Say Hi :

(!) Note: This support group does not equal therapy, please seek professional help immediately.

Featured image is a credit of Markus Spiske @markusspiske provided by Unsplash

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October Discussion: Key driving factors of Eating Disorders

October Discussion: Key driving factors of Eating Disorders

RSVP: email at

* if you have already reached out to us, you will receive your Zoom Link on the day (Thursday, 27th of October). I look forward to welcoming you to our Zoom-meet up.

Our October discussion will explore some of the maintaining mechanisms of Eating Disorders. After a brief introduction, you will be invited to discuss topics around your barriers to recovery, failed attempts, as well as some of the reasons why Eating Disorders can be a long journey to recover from.

Join us on Thursday, 27th October 2022 at 7pm on Zoom. Applicable to people suffering with Emotional Overeating, Binge Eating, as well as Restrictive Eating and symptoms of Anorexia Nervosa. Family and caretakers are welcome.

Welcome to join our Free Eating Disorders Recovery Support Group. Every month we meet Online on Zoom in a Video Meeting to support all members and their loved ones in Recovery from Disordered Eating. To register and receive your Zoom Link to our meetings, please RSVP by email (

About the Group:

Eating disorders thrive in isolation. This group is aimed to provide a safe and supportive platform for people in recovery and those seeking recovery, as well as their loved ones, caretakers, and practitioners, among others to exchange in resource sharing and mutual support. The interactive support sessions are conducted in an open and non-judgemental space welcoming all members to participate in conversation. The format is facilitated in a Psychoeducation lecture presentation with allocated time for Q&A and sharing.

Open to all who have RSVP’d and:

(1) in recovery from Eating Disorder or having any difficulties in regulating their eating behaviour

(2) those who have a family member or a friend who may be struggling with an Eating Disorder

Learn more by:

Join our Facebook Private Group 

Follow us on Instagram

Email your RSVP to Register at

(!) Note: This support group does not equal therapy, please seek professional help immediately.

Featured image is provided by Unsplash and made by Dylan Gillis @dylandgillis

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April Meeting: Emotional Overeating with Restrictive and Binge Eating Cycle

April Meeting: Emotional Overeating with Restrictive and Binge Eating Cycle

This April (28/04/22 at 7pm) we talk about the cyclic nature of Emotional Overeating, with Restrictive and Binge Eating patterns

Welcome to join our Free Eating Disorders Recovery Support Group. Every month we meet Online on Zoom in a Video Meeting to support each other in Recovery from Disordered Eating. To register and receive your Zoom Link to our meetings, please RSVP by email (

About the Group:

Eating disorders thrive in isolation. This group is aimed to provide a safe and supportive platform for people in recovery and those seeking recovery, as well as their loved ones, caretakers, and practitioners, among others to exchange in resource sharing and mutual support. The interactive support sessions are conducted in an open and non-judgemental space welcoming all members to participate in conversation. The format is facilitated in a Psychoeducation lecture presentation with allocated time for Q&A and sharing.

Open to all who have RSVP’d and:

(1) in recovery from Eating Disorder or having any difficulties in regulating their eating behaviour

(2) those who have a family member or a friend who may be struggling with an Eating Disorder

Learn more by:

Join our Facebook Private Group 

Follow us on Instagram

Email your RSVP to Register

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March Meeting: Covid-19 & Managing Eating At Home

March Meeting: Covid-19 & Managing Eating At Home

This March (31/03/22 at 7pm) we talk about Challenges of Eating at Home during Covid-19 Stay-at-Home rules

Welcome to join our Free Eating Disorders Recovery Support Group Hong Kong. Every month we meet Online on Zoom in a Video Meeting to support each other in Recovery from Disordered Eating. To register and receive your Zoom Link to our meetings, please RSVP by email (

About the Group:

Eating disorders thrive in isolation. This group is aimed to provide a safe and supportive platform for people in recovery and those seeking recovery, as well as their loved ones, caretakers, and practitioners, among others to exchange in resource sharing and mutual support. The interactive support sessions are conducted in an open and non-judgemental space welcoming all members to participate in conversation. The format is facilitated in a Psychoeducation lecture presentation with allocated time for Q&A and sharing.

Open to all who have RSVP’d and:

(1) in recovery from Eating Disorder or having any difficulties in regulating their eating behaviour

(2) those who have a family member or a friend who may be struggling with an Eating Disorder

Learn more by:

Join our Facebook Private Group 

Follow us on Instagram

Email your RSVP to Register

Format: on Zoom, Online

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Emotional Self-regulation: Neurobiology of stress, anxiety and overwhelm [Online, Group]

Emotional Self-regulation: Neurobiology of stress, anxiety and overwhelm [Online, Group]

Our intimate group session is run in an online Interactive lecture format and aims to enable you with practical tools to interrupt the escalating states of anxiety and agitation towards safety, ease and expansion - a space from where we can actually access our many resources and a wider range of adaptive responses.

Duration: 1h30 | Online, Zoom

Format: Group and Private session @ OM Experts Class

We all wish to develop a capacity to graciously bounce back from life’s inevitable setbacks and challenges. In this interactive lecture you will learn the neurobiology of our daily stress and anxiety, as well as what happens when our systems become dysregulated and chronic distress turns symptomatic. Most importantly, this class aims to help women with practical tools enabling them to interrupt the escalating states of anxiety and agitation towards safety, ease and expansion - a space from where we can actually access our many resources and a wider range of adaptive responses.

Additionally, to the end of our session, we will have some time to systematically answer some of your questions, including: How to develop better grounding & self-soothing resources, AND be able to access them under duress? How can I improve my mental health for more responsive parenting? How do I know if I am suppressing my emotions? How to safely release tension & avoid burnout at my workplace?

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Emotional Self-regulation: Neurobiology of stress, anxiety and overwhelm [ Online, Group]

Emotional Self-regulation: Neurobiology of stress, anxiety and overwhelm [ Online, Group]

Our intimate group session is run in an online Interactive lecture format and aims to enable you with practical tools to interrupt the escalating states of anxiety and agitation towards safety, ease and expansion - a space from where we can actually access our many resources and a wider range of adaptive responses.

Duration: 1h30 | Online, Zoom

Format: Group and Private session @ OM Experts Class

We all wish to develop a capacity to graciously bounce back from life’s inevitable setbacks and challenges. In this interactive lecture you will learn the neurobiology of our daily stress and anxiety, as well as what happens when our systems become dysregulated and chronic distress turns symptomatic. Most importantly, this class aims to help women with practical tools enabling them to interrupt the escalating states of anxiety and agitation towards safety, ease and expansion - a space from where we can actually access our many resources and a wider range of adaptive responses.

Additionally, to the end of our session, we will have some time to systematically answer some of your questions, including: How to develop better grounding & self-soothing resources, AND be able to access them under duress? How can I improve my mental health for more responsive parenting? How do I know if I am suppressing my emotions? How to safely release tension & avoid burnout at my workplace?

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Emotional Self-regulation: Neurobiology of stress, anxiety and overwhelm [Online Group]

Emotional Self-regulation: Neurobiology of stress, anxiety and overwhelm [Online Group]

Our intimate group session is run in an online Interactive lecture format and aims to enable you with practical tools to interrupt the escalating states of anxiety and agitation towards safety, ease and expansion - a space from where we can actually access our many resources and a wider range of adaptive responses.

Duration: 1h30 | Online, Zoom

Format: Group and Private session @ OM Experts Class

We all wish to develop a capacity to graciously bounce back from life’s inevitable setbacks and challenges. In this interactive lecture you will learn the neurobiology of our daily stress and anxiety, as well as what happens when our systems become dysregulated and chronic distress turns symptomatic. Most importantly, this class aims to help women with practical tools enabling them to interrupt the escalating states of anxiety and agitation towards safety, ease and expansion - a space from where we can actually access our many resources and a wider range of adaptive responses.

Additionally, to the end of our session, we will have some time to systematically answer some of your questions, including: How to develop better grounding & self-soothing resources, AND be able to access them under duress? How can I improve my mental health for more responsive parenting? How do I know if I am suppressing my emotions? How to safely release tension & avoid burnout at my workplace?

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[ NEW: Private Consultation ] Emotional Regulation: Neurobiology of stress, anxiety and overwhelm

[ NEW: Private Consultation ] Emotional Regulation: Neurobiology of stress, anxiety and overwhelm

Our Online Group Class is now available in One-On-One format to allow for a more individual approach relevant to your current situation. While this session aims to enable you with practical tools for a skillful interruption of the escalating states of anxiety and agitation, it is in my intention to tailor this hour to address your unique challenges and struggles. Our ultimate goal is for you to build a sustainable pathway towards safety, ease and expansion - a space from where we can actually access our many resources and a wider range of adaptive responses.

Duration: 1h30 | Online, Zoom

Format: Group and Private session @ OM Experts Class

We all wish to develop a capacity to graciously bounce back from life’s inevitable setbacks and challenges. In this interactive lecture you will learn the neurobiology of our daily stress and anxiety, as well as what happens when our systems become dysregulated and chronic distress turns symptomatic. Most importantly, this class aims to help women with practical tools enabling them to interrupt the escalating states of anxiety and agitation towards safety, ease and expansion - a space from where we can actually access our many resources and a wider range of adaptive responses.

Additionally, to the end of our session, we will have some time to systematically answer some of your questions, including: How to develop better grounding & self-soothing resources, AND be able to access them under duress? How can I improve my mental health for more responsive parenting? How do I know if I am suppressing my emotions? How to safely release tension & avoid burnout at my workplace?

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Emotional Self-regulation: Neurobiology of stress, anxiety and overwhelm

Emotional Self-regulation: Neurobiology of stress, anxiety and overwhelm

This session aims to help women with practical tools enabling them to interrupt the escalating states of anxiety and agitation towards safety, ease and expansion - a space from where we can actually access our many resources and a wider range of adaptive responses.

Duration: 1h30 | Online, Zoom

Format: Group and Private session @ OM Experts Class

We all wish to develop a capacity to graciously bounce back from life’s inevitable setbacks and challenges. In this interactive lecture you will learn the neurobiology of our daily stress and anxiety, as well as what happens when our systems become dysregulated and chronic distress turns symptomatic. Most importantly, this class aims to help women with practical tools enabling them to interrupt the escalating states of anxiety and agitation towards safety, ease and expansion - a space from where we can actually access our many resources and a wider range of adaptive responses.

Additionally, to the end of our session, we will have some time to systematically answer some of your questions, including: How to develop better grounding & self-soothing resources, AND be able to access them under duress? How can I improve my mental health for more responsive parenting? How do I know if I am suppressing my emotions? How to safely release tension & avoid burnout at my workplace?

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Sensorimotor Art Therapy: Learn to tolerate your overwhelm & discomfort

Sensorimotor Art Therapy: Learn to tolerate your overwhelm & discomfort

A Deep Body-Awareness Practice Through Art…

A Deep Body-Awareness Practice Through Art…

Join our weekly session of body-focused art therapy class to learn better self-regulating skills for healing trauma, releasing accumulated stress and embedded tension.

Informed by the neurobiological insights into human stress responses, the bilateral rhythmic drawing of motor impulses allows to raise individual’s awareness to their inner tension and patterns of bracing. The session is guided by Elena Kisel, a Counsellor & Clinical Hypnotherapist in Hong Kong who specialises in a trauma-informed psychosomatic practice in regulating one’s emotional and physiological states.

Our space is open to individuals new to therapy & practitioners alike. All provided materials are washable and non-toxic (aprons provided). 

Cost: HKD480 per person

Book Now to reserve your seat at the table!

Venue: Wild At Art Studio at 4 Elgin Street (off Hollywood Road), Central

Book Now

Learn more about Sensorimotor Art Therapy here & Get in touch with me!


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Sensorimotor Art Therapy: Learn to down-regulate your anxiety

Sensorimotor Art Therapy: Learn to down-regulate your anxiety

A Deep Body-Awareness Practice Through Art…

A Deep Body-Awareness Practice Through Art…

Join our weekly session of body-focused art therapy class to learn better self-regulating skills for healing trauma, releasing accumulated stress and embedded tension.

Informed by the neurobiological insights into human stress responses, the bilateral rhythmic drawing of motor impulses allows to raise individual’s awareness to their inner tension and patterns of bracing. The session is guided by Elena Kisel, a Counsellor & Clinical Hypnotherapist in Hong Kong who specialises in a trauma-informed psychosomatic practice in regulating one’s emotional and physiological states.

Our space is open to individuals new to therapy & practitioners alike. All provided materials are washable and non-toxic (aprons provided). 

Cost: HKD480 per person

Book Now to reserve your seat at the table!

Venue: Wild At Art Studio at 4 Elgin Street (off Hollywood Road), Central

Book Now

Learn more about Sensorimotor Art Therapy here & Get in touch with me!

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Sensorimotor Art Therapy: Emotional self-regulation skills

Sensorimotor Art Therapy: Emotional self-regulation skills


Join our weekly session of body-focused art therapy class to learn better self-regulating skills for healing trauma, releasing accumulated stress and embedded tension.

Informed by the neurobiological insights into human stress responses, the bilateral rhythmic drawing of motor impulses allows to raise individual’s awareness to their inner tension and patterns of bracing. The session is guided by Elena Kisel, a Counsellor & Clinical Hypnotherapist in Hong Kong who specialises in a trauma-informed psychosomatic practice in regulating one’s emotional and physiological states.

Our space is open to individuals new to therapy & practitioners alike. All provided materials are washable and non-toxic (aprons provided). 

Cost: HKD480 per person

Book Now to reserve your seat at the table!

Venue: Wild At Art Studio at 4 Elgin Street (off Hollywood Road), Central

Learn more about Sensorimotor Art Therapy here & Get in touch with me!


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Sensorimotor Art Therapy: Release stress & embedded tension

Sensorimotor Art Therapy: Release stress & embedded tension

A Deep Body-awareness Practice Through Art…

A Deep Body-awareness Practice Through Art…

Join our weekly session of body-focused art therapy class to learn better self-regulating skills for healing trauma, releasing accumulated stress and embedded tension.

Informed by the neurobiological insights into human stress responses, the bilateral rhythmic drawing of motor impulses allows to raise individual’s awareness to their inner tension and patterns of bracing. The session is guided by Elena Kisel, a Counsellor & Clinical Hypnotherapist in Hong Kong who specialises in a trauma-informed psychosomatic practice in regulating one’s emotional and physiological states.

Our space is open to individuals new to therapy & practitioners alike. All provided materials are washable and non-toxic (aprons provided). 

Cost: HKD480 per person

Book Now to reserve your seat at the table!

Venue: Wild At Art Studio at 4 Elgin Street (off Hollywood Road), Central

Book Now

Learn more about Sensorimotor Art Therapy here & Get in touch with me!


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Sensorimotor Art Therapy: self-regulation & neurobiology of anxiety

Sensorimotor Art Therapy: self-regulation & neurobiology of anxiety

Connecting to our body awareness through Art…

Connecting to our body awareness through Art…

Join our weekly session of body-focused art therapy class to learn better self-regulating skills for healing trauma, releasing accumulated stress and embedded tension.

Informed by the neurobiological insights into human stress responses, the bilateral rhythmic drawing of motor impulses allows to raise individual’s awareness to their inner tension and patterns of bracing. The session is guided by Elena Kisel, a Counsellor & Clinical Hypnotherapist in Hong Kong who specialises in a trauma-informed psychosomatic practice in regulating one’s emotional and physiological states.

Our space is open to individuals new to therapy & practitioners alike. All provided materials are washable and non-toxic (aprons provided). 

Cost: HKD480 per person

Book Now to reserve your seat at the table!

Venue: Wild At Art Studio at 4 Elgin Street (off Hollywood Road), Central

Learn more about Sensorimotor Art Therapy here & Get in touch with me!

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Sensorimotor Art Therapy: neurobiological approach to self-regulation

Sensorimotor Art Therapy: neurobiological approach to self-regulation

Connecting to our bodies through art…

Connecting to our bodies through art…

Join a group session of body-focused art therapy class to learn better self-regulating skills for healing trauma, releasing accumulated stress and embedded tension.

Informed by the neurobiological insights into human stress responses, the bilateral rhythmic drawing of motor impulses allows to raise individual’s awareness to their inner tension and patterns of bracing. The session is guided by Elena Kisel, a Counsellor & Clinical Hypnotherapist in Hong Kong who specialises in a trauma-informed psychosomatic practice in regulating one’s emotional and physiological states. 

All provided materials are washable and non-toxic (aprons provided) 

Cost: HKD480 per person

Save your seat by booking here

Venue: Wild At Art Studio

Learn more about Sensorimotor Art Therapy here & Get in touch with me!

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Sensorimotor Art Therapy: neurobiological model of body mapping

Upcoming group workshop!

Connecting to our bodies through art…

Connecting to our bodies through art…

Join a group session of body-focused art therapy to learn better self-regulating skills for healing trauma, releasing accumulated stress and embedded tension.

Informed by the neurobiological insights into human stress responses, the bilateral rhythmic drawing of motor impulses allows to raise individual’s awareness to their inner tension and patterns of bracing. The session is guided by Elena Kisel, a Counsellor & Clinical Hypnotherapist in Hong Kong who specialises in a trauma-informed psychosomatic practice in regulating one’s emotional and physiological states. 

All provided materials are washable and non-toxic (aprons provided) 

When and Where: Every Tuesday at 6pm @Wild at Art studio in SOHO

Cost: HKD480 per person

Register below to secure your seat at the table!

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